The Myth of the Doomed “Rebound Relationship”I am an online psychotherapist who has worked with over 1200 clients from all over the world. Most contact me because relationships have…Mar 22, 2024Mar 22, 2024
CHAUVIN CONVICTION IS NOT THE ONLY EVIDENCE OF PROGRESS IN CURBING POLICE MISCONDUCTThe conviction of Derek Chauvin in the murder of George Floyd clearly has the potential to reduce police killings of unarmed civilians by…Apr 23, 2021Apr 23, 2021
TRUMP IS A PROTO-MONARCHIST NOT A PROTO-FASCISTNow that Trump will soon become a “waste management” problem, it might be useful to determine what form of rule he aspired to. This issue…Jan 15, 2021Jan 15, 2021
THE PURSUIT OF IMMORTALITY: THE NASHVILLE SUICIDE BOMBING AND THE LAS VEGAS MASSACREThe Nashville bomber has now been identified, but it seems as if Anthony Quinn Warner’s reason for blowing himself up along with a city…Dec 29, 2020Dec 29, 2020
POLICE SHOOTINGS BECAUSE OF POLICE SHOOTINGS: A SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECYWe may be witnessing a new phenomenon, or one which, if not novel, will dramatically increase in number. The Atlanta killing of Rayshard…Jun 14, 2020Jun 14, 2020